The 5th Strikes Again Star Wars

This article details a subject that is considered canon. The subject of this article exists in or is relevant to the real world.

"If y'all only knew the power of the night side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father."
"He told me enough. He told me you killed him."
"No. I am your father."
―Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker [src]

Star Wars: Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back , marketed as merely The Empire Strikes Back , is a 1980 film directed by Irvin Kershner and written past Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan from a story by George Lucas. It is the second part of the Star Wars original trilogy.

The film concerns the continuing struggles of the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire. During the moving-picture show, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia Organa are existence pursued beyond space by Darth Vader and his elite forces. Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker begins his major Jedi training with Yoda, after an teaching from Obi-Wan Kenobi's spirit. In an emotional and nigh-fatal confrontation with Vader, Luke is presented with a horrific revelation and must face his destiny.

Though controversial upon release, the film has proved to be the most pop picture show in the series amidst fans and critics and is now widely regarded as one of the best sequel films of all time, also equally 1 of the greatest films of all time. Information technology was re-released with changes in 1997 and on DVD in 2004. The film was re-released on Blu-ray format in September of 2011. A radio accommodation was broadcast on National Public Radio in the U.S.A. in 1983. The film was selected in 2010 to exist preserved by the Library of Congress equally part of its National Motion picture Registry.


  • ane Opening crawl
  • 2 Synopsis
    • 2.1 The search for Skywalker
    • 2.2 The Battle of Hoth
    • two.3 The way of a Jedi
    • 2.4 The city in the clouds
    • two.5 Duel with the Night Lord and escape from the Cloud Metropolis
  • 3 Development
  • 4 Release
    • 4.ane Trade
    • four.2 Re-releases
  • v Reception
  • six Deleted scenes
    • half dozen.1 The Decease of Full general Veers
    • half-dozen.two Wampa attack
    • 6.3 Wampas infiltrate Echo Base of operations
    • vi.4 The Wampa Pen
    • 6.five Luke: Gunner
  • 7 Release gallery
  • eight Credits
  • ix Appearances
  • 10 Sources
  • 11 Notes and references
  • 12 External links

Opening crawl [ ]

Episode V
It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Expiry Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the milky way.  Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new hole-and-corner base on the remote water ice world of Hoth.  The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding immature Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space....

Synopsis [ ]

The search for Skywalker [ ]

"We have thousands of probe droids searching the milky way. I want proof, not leads!"
―Admiral Kendal Ozzel [src]

It is now three years after the events of A New Hope. The Insubordinate Alliance has been forced to flee its base on Yavin 4 and establish a new ane on the ice planet of Hoth.

An Imperial Star Destroyer, dispatched by the Sith Lord Darth Vader, continuing his quest for Luke Skywalker, launches thousands of probe droids beyond the milky way, ane of which lands on Hoth and begins its survey of the planet. Luke Skywalker, on patrol astride his tauntaun, discovers the probe, which he mistakes for a meteorite. Subsequently reporting to comrade Han Solo that he'll investigate the site, Luke is knocked unconscious by a deadly wampa.

When Luke fails to report in at Repeat Base of operations, Han Solo goes out on his tauntaun to search for him in an encroaching storm. Upon waking up, Luke finds himself hanging upside downwardly in a cavern; his eyes opening to the sight of a wampa eating his tauntaun. Using the power of the Forcefulness, Luke is able to pull his lightsaber out of the snow and towards himself. Later on he ignites it, he cuts himself free and cuts off the attacking wampa'south arm just in fourth dimension, running out of the cavern and escaping into the cold nighttime of Hoth.

Luke tries to make his way to Echo Base on foot, but he finds himself lost in the blizzard and collapses in the snow. Of a sudden, he sees the Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi appear before him. Kenobi's spirit ghost instructs Luke to go to Dagobah to undergo preparation under Yoda, a Jedi Thousand Principal. Subsequently the spirit ghost disappears, Han arrives to find an almost unconscious Luke, who is mumbling indistinctly near Obi-Wan, Yoda and Dagobah. At this signal, the tauntaun that Han was riding on collapses in the extreme cold. To keep Luke from freezing to death during the blizzard, Han uses Luke's lightsaber to cut open the expressionless tauntaun and places Luke in information technology. Han and so sets almost erecting a shelter that he and Luke volition stay in during the nighttime. They are forced to stay out during the dark as the shipping (snowspeeders) that the Rebels utilize for atmospheric flight had not still been adjusted for the extremely depression temperatures of the Hoth night and are therefore unable to mount a rescue performance to call back Han and Luke.

The next morn, Rebel Pilots flight the snowspeeders set out from Echo Base to search for the missing men. Zev Senesca, one of the pilots in Rogue Group, makes contact with Han over comlink and the pair are rescued. When they are taken dorsum to base, Luke is put in a bacta tank for healing under the care of medical droid, 2-1B.

Princess Leia Organa tries to urge Han to stay with the rebels, and when Han assumes it is because she has feelings for him, Leia loses her atmosphere and calls him a "stuck-up, one-half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf herder."

Meanwhile, the probe droid has spotted signs that indicate Hoth is occupied and sends a bespeak to the Imperial fleet, shortly before being shot at by Han Solo and Chewbacca and triggering its cocky-destruct machinery. Aboard the Executor, Admiral Kendal Ozzel dismisses the data as evidence of smugglers, nothing more. However, Darth Vader knows improve and orders the fleet to Hoth. Han warns General Rieekan that the Empire is probably aware of their location, and Rieekan orders the evacuation of Echo Base of operations to begin.

The Boxing of Hoth [ ]

AT-ATs on Hoth.

Darth Vader and the Purple forces prepare course for the Hoth system to gear up the attack. The rebels load whatever equipment they tin can onto transports and plan a rear-guard activity to secure their escape. Luke, now fully recovered from the Wampa attack and subsequent exposure, says goodbye to Chewbacca and Solo, who have decided to get out the Alliance to resolve their debt to Jabba the Hutt. As the Imperial forces enter the Hoth system, General Rieekan orders full ability to the free energy shield that is protecting the base from orbital battery.

Aboard the Executor, Full general Maximilian Veers notifies Vader that Admiral Ozzel has emerged from lightspeed likewise close to Hoth. Ozzel intended to catch the Rebels unaware earlier they could gear up their defenses. However, Vader realizes that the Rebels have been alerted to the armada's inflow. Via video advice, Vader Force chokes Ozzel to death for his incompetence, then appoints Captain Firmus Piett the new Admiral on the spot. As Vader previously ordered, the Majestic army, commanded by General Veers, state outside the Rebels' shield and march overland to destroy the power generator.

Princess Leia gives the Rebel fighters instructions on the evacuation to get out Hoth two to three ships at a fourth dimension past the energy shield to a rendezvous point, which is across the outer rim. Rieekan lowers the shields to fire the Ion cannon at 1 of the Imperial Star Destroyers allowing the first transports to escape. The Rebel pilots assigned to hold off the Imperial ground set on depart the Hoth base for the oncoming battle against heavily equipped Imperial forces, who are armed with active AT-STs (All Terrain Lookout Transports) and monstrous AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Send) walkers, led by General Veers.

The Rogue Squadron snowspeeder group led past Luke commences the set on. Luke speedily realizes the AT-AT's armor is far besides strong for blasters and decides to utilise fastened harpoons and tow cables to tangle the walker'south legs. Luke'southward gunner Dak Ralter is hitting and killed during the first arroyo. This leaves Wedge Antilles and his gunner Wes Janson to make the starting time pass. They manage to topple one of the AT-ATs, which is destroyed as Rebel troops storm it. The main AT-AT, commanded by General Veers, prepares to take their aim at the Insubordinate base of operations's main power generator. All of a sudden, Luke's speeder is shot downward by the Imperials, and crash-lands in the snow. Luke escapes earlier an AT-AT can pace on and crush his ship.

The Rebel base of operations is now nether directly attack and Majestic snowtroopers have entered the base, forcing Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to escape. Leia gives the evacuation command for the base of operations equally they leave.

The Rebels' drastic fight.

Luke, meanwhile, manages to destroy another AT-AT past using his hoist cable and lightsaber to get into the belly of the ship, tossing in a thermal detonator, and then detaching himself from the cable as a serial of explosions neutralize the AT-AT. The Rebels suffer major casualties equally the result of the boxing. The main AT-AT, existence driven past General Veers, gets within firing range of the ability generator, and so successfully blasts and destroys it.

Han, Leia, and company, at present realizing they are beingness followed by Vader (who has arrived personally on Hoth), brand their mode to the Millennium Falcon in fourth dimension to escape. As the Falcon flies off, Luke reaches R2-D2 and his X-wing starfighter and finally departs Hoth. Changing course from the rendezvous point, he sets his coordinates for Dagobah.

Han and company are pursued by Imperial TIE fighters. Flipping the switch to have them to lightspeed, Han realizes (with reluctant help from 3PO) that the hyperdrive has been damaged. While trying to prepare the hyperdrive system, Han enters an asteroid field to hamper pursuit. He manages to state his ship inside a cavern on i of the larger asteroids to rest and find a fashion to fix the ship.

The manner of a Jedi [ ]

Han Solo and Princess Leia kissing.

Luke lands on the marshy planet Dagobah, swamping his Ten-wing in the process. At that place, he discovers a diminutive and eccentric figure who fiddles around with Luke'due south gear. Later on Luke tells him that he is looking for a Jedi Master, the being offers to accept Luke to Yoda.

Dorsum on the Falcon, while Leia tries to brand repairs, Han makes his move on the Princess, drawing himself closer to her before both end upward in a passionate kiss. When Threepio arrives, Leia withdraws and walks away.

Vader orders the entirety of Death Squadron to begin sweeping the asteroid field to notice the Millennium Falcon Every bit the search continues, the dangers of the field brainstorm to accept their toll: an asteroid smashes into the span tower of a Star Destroyer, presumably killing all aboard. On the Executor, Vader communicates with the captains of the other ships (the captain of the demolished star destroyer throws his artillery upwardly in horror, and the manual fades). One officer, Helm Lorth Needa, tells Vader that they should consider their impairment. Vader firmly replies that they will keep the search. Shortly afterward, Admiral Piett informs Vader that Emperor Sheev Palpatine commands he brand contact immediately. Vader orders his ship out of the asteroid field for a clear transmission.

In his private quarters, Vader receives a holographic bulletin from Palpatine, alias Darth Sidious, who alerts the Dark Lord to a "new enemy who could destroy" the Empire - Luke Skywalker. Vader suggests that if Luke could be turned, he would be a "powerful ally". Lord Sidious agrees, saying that Luke would be a "nifty asset" and asks his amateur if it could be done. Vader declares Luke will join the Empire "or die".

Instead of going straight to Yoda, Luke is brought to the beast's hut. Luke insists on going to find Yoda immediately, but the small-scale beast only responds with "Not far. Yoda non far." The atomic effigy then declares the boy lacks patience, but the voice of Kenobi tells the effigy that the boy will learn patience if he is to be trained. Only then does Luke realize that the modest green figure is Yoda. Yoda asks Kenobi if he volition finish whatever training he begins, so suspects that Luke volition someday succumb to fearfulness.

Yoda teaches Luke the way of the Jedi and to beware of the nighttime side of the Forcefulness.

The next 24-hour interval, while cleaning parasitic creatures called Mynocks off the Falcon, Solo and his companions are forced to escape what turns out to be a titanic space slug (which resided in the asteroid the Falcon landed on). Meanwhile, Luke begins a rigorous training government from Yoda which includes moral lessons about the dangers of the dark side of the Force. That item lesson is driven domicile when he is told to enter a cave that is strong with the Dark Side's power. Ignoring Yoda's counsel to leave his weapons, Luke enters the cavern armed. Once inside, he has a vision of himself angrily against Darth Vader and beheading him. However, the severed head's mask bursts apart and reveals Luke'southward face with a scared wait underneath; it is a alarm that if Luke battles Vader with no emotional command, he will get Vader himself, seduced by the Dark Side.

Back on the Star Destroyer, Vader enlists the bounty hunters, Boba Fett, Dengar, IG-88, Bossk, 4-LOM and Zuckuss to find the Millennium Falcon for a "substantial reward". One of the Imperial commanders finally spots the Falcon, leading to another pursuit which results in the Falcon eluding the Empire by making the insanely counter intuitive motility of attacking the atomic number 82 Star Destroyer. Yet, at the last moment, the transport veers off and secretly attaches itself to the rear of the cruiser'southward command tower, which is not extensively covered by sensors, making information technology appear to have vanished from the Destroyer's point of view.

Days later, while training, Luke becomes distracted when he finds that his Ten-wing fighter has almost completely submerged into the swamp. Luke declares he will never exist able to become the transport out, seeing that it is too big for him to extract from the water. Yoda says it is "no different, but different in your mind." Luke says he'll "effort" to lift the ship, but Yoda says "No! Do or do non, there is no try." Luke tries to use the Force, but to no avail. Yoda reminds him that "size matters not" and gives him wisdom nigh the Force. Luke denies all of this, and so Yoda decides to use the Force to lift the ship out himself. Luke is dumbfounded and incredulous. Yoda senses the youngster's failures within his mind.

The Imperials pursue the Millennium Falcon through an asteroid field.

When the fleet disperses to search for the Falcon, the Rebels expect for the ship to do its standard dump of refuse earlier jumping, then detach to float away with it. The Falcon 'southward hyperdrive needs repairs, so Han decides to brand their way to Cloud City, a gas-mining colony run past his "quondam friend" Lando Calrissian. Unfortunately, the bounty hunter Boba Fett had deduced the Falcon 'southward escape method and had his ship jettisoned with the waste to stealthily follow the fugitives.

The next day, Yoda reminds Luke of the things the young Jedi volition see in his heed, the future, the by, and of friends he recognizes. Luke loses concentration once more and has a vision of his friends in danger. He wants to leave Dagobah to rescue them, just Yoda reminds him that if he leaves now, everything his friends fought and suffered for volition be destroyed.

The metropolis in the clouds [ ]

"I love you."
"I know."
―Leia Organa and Han Solo, on Cloud Metropolis [src]

Upon arrival at Cloud City, Han'south party is welcomed by an erstwhile friend of his who goes by the name Lando Calrissian. However, at that place are numerous elements that make the Rebels suspicious, non the least of which beingness C-3PO being plant deactivated, dismembered, and about recycled.

Cloud City on Bespin.

That evening, Luke and R2-D2 prepare themselves to exit Dagobah, but are warned past both Yoda and the spirit form of Kenobi not to terminate training and so soon for a fight Luke is not prepare for. Ben declares that should Luke decide to face Vader, he volition have to face up him lonely without interference. Luke understands this, and his ship takes off from Dagobah. Yoda is disappointed, declaring Luke is reckless. Ben tells Yoda "That boy is our concluding hope", yet, Yoda answers back, "No... there is another..."

A day after, Han and company find themselves betrayed by Calrissian who was approached by the Empire just before the Rebels' arrival and threatened him and the urban center unless he cooperated. They became the captives of Darth Vader, who proceeds to torture Han and Leia to create a disturbance in the Force for Luke to detect.

Meanwhile, Chewbacca makes an try to rebuild C-3PO only to accidentally put the latter'southward head on backwards. Later on beingness tortured, the rebels are informed by Lando that Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO would exist confined to Cloud City and Han would be given to Boba Fett. Leia believes Vader wants them all dead, simply Lando tells her and the rebels otherwise and that he is after someone called "Skywalker." The rebels immediately realize that Vader wants Luke and has ready a trap for him, using them as bait. After Lando announces that Luke was on his way, Han attacks his "friend," but to be restrained by Calrissian's security detail.

That afternoon, Vader enters a carbon-freezing chamber intending to freeze Luke Skywalker once he arrives. The Nighttime Lord uses the opportunity for Boba Fett to deliver Solo to Jabba the Hutt (to whom Han owed a debt) by testing the device on Solo himself. Han and company enter the sleeping room for the experiment. At showtime, Chewbacca resists the stormtroopers, merely Han restrains him, saving his strength for another time. Han says goodbye to Leia with a passionate buss before he is escalated into the carbon freezing chamber. When he is successfully entombed in carbonite in a land of suspended blitheness, Vader hands over Han to bounty hunter Boba Fett for transportation to Tatooine to receive a bounty from Jabba. I of the Majestic commanders informs Vader that Luke's starfighter has arrived on Bespin. The Dark Lord orders Lando to have Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO to his Star Destroyer, reneging on a deal he made with Calrissian. However, the Cloud Urban center ambassador has other plans.

Duel with the Dark Lord and escape from the Cloud City [ ]

The epic duel begins.

Luke makes his manner to Bespin safely. He quietly walks down the corridors of Cloud Urban center. He spots Boba Fett who is taking the now-frozen Solo back to his ship. He attempts to follow merely is thwarted when the bounty hunter notices and opens fire. Luke narrowly escapes and runs down farther into the corridor. He finally meets up with Leia, Chewie, and Lando, who have been captured past stormtroopers. Luke tries to ambush the grouping of Imperials, but is unsuccessful. Leia yells at him and tells him that "information technology's a trap!" Luke runs after his captured friends, hoping to relieve them, but wanders into the carbon-freezing sleeping accommodation. In that location, he meets with Vader and the two fight in an epic lightsaber duel, where Luke's undeveloped Jedi skills are no match for Vader's experience.

The Imperials (escorting the Insubordinate prisoners out of Bespin) are overpowered by Cloud City security, setting Lando and company free. Chewbacca turns against Lando for betraying Han and chokes him, but he manages to tell the Wookiee there's still a adventure to rescue Han at the East Platform. C-3PO is reunited with his companion R2-D2. Lando and company arrive too late as Fett's ship takes off, then engage in a violent boxing with stormtroopers.

Luke and Vader keep the duel in the darkened rooms of the Cloud City. Luke didn't follow Han's sad fate when he fell into the freezing mine, but he manages to spring out of it with the assist of the Force a moment before Vader activates the freezing arrangement. The fight continues. Vader uses the Dark Side of the Force, hurling everything that comes to mitt at Luke: equipment, construction elements and piece of furniture. One of the items breaks the window, creating a vacuum. Luke is speedily pulled out and the fight moves to the emergency platform.

Equally the gunfight continues, Lando orders an evacuation of Cloud City earlier the inflow of the chief forces of the Empire, then the rebel company manages to observe their last promise of escape...the Millennium Falcon.

On the emergency platform of the Cloud Metropolis, Luke and Vader continue the duel. Vader knocks Luke off his anxiety and invites him to give up so that he won't let himself be killed, like Obi-Wan. However, the swain is non yet defeated and continues to fight. During the duel over the abyss, Luke beats Vader with his saber in his right shoulder, slightly damaging his night armor. Vader is furious and cuts Luke's correct hand holding a lightsaber (the hand and the saber fall into the completeness). Then he reveals to Luke the fatal truth virtually his begetter:

"Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your male parent."
"He told me enough! He told me yous killed him!"
"No, I am your father."
―Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker, on Cloud City [src]

Luke does non desire to believe what he heard, and accuses Vader of lying, but he advises the young human to listen to his ain heart, and thus understand that this is pure truth. Shocked and frightened by the cruel truth, Luke falls into despair, withal not wanting to believe what he heard. Vader invites the young man to reunite with him in guild to destroy the Emperor together and rule the galaxy as a father and son. However, Luke chooses suicide over being corrupted and throws himself down a deep shaft.

"No. I am your male parent."

Luke is sucked into an air vent, exits the underbelly of the city and catches an antenna beneath Deject City. Facing articulate death, Luke calls out to Ben Kenobi in vain (Kenobi had warned Luke that he would not exist able to assist Luke once he faced Vader). Then, he calls out to the only other ane who could help... Leia.

Leia mysteriously senses Luke'south telepathic distress point. The Falcon turns around and comes dorsum to Cloud City. Using an escape hatch, Lando manages to grab Luke and rescue him before the wounded Jedi falls helplessly to the planet as TIE Fighters race toward them. The Falcon finally leaves Bespin's gravitational field and is about to escape into hyperspace when the hyperdrive system once more fails (equally it turns out - this is the work of the royal specialists, equally reported past the city computer R2-D2 accessed). Vader asks for confirmation that the Millennium Falcon 's hyperdrive system was deactivated to prevent their escape, then orders weapons be fix to stun.

The Rebels regroup and programme to rescue Han.

Equally the Imperials pursue the Falcon, the injured Luke telepathically hears the voice of Vader calling to him. He answers, "Father...", while Vader telepathically calls, "Son, come with me". Luke senses it is Vader, and then cries, "Ben, why didn't yous tell me?"

C-3PO commands that R2-D2 finish reconstructing him afterwards his ordeal in Cloud City. Nevertheless, with quick ingenuity, R2 manages to re-activate the Falcon 's hyperdrive system just in time for the ship to flee to hyperspace. Vader is disappointed and retreats to his secret quarters in his Star Destroyer, ignoring Piett'southward failure.

On a EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate at the Rebel fleet's rendezvous point, Luke is under the care of ii-1B again which includes the implantation of a prosthetic hand. Lando and Chewbacca begin their parts of a virtually dangerous mission...rescuing Han. Lando promises to Leia they'll bring her back the man she loves. The moving picture ends with Luke, Leia, and the droids looking on equally the Falcon departs for unknown territories, setting the phase for Return of the Jedi.

Development [ ]

Mark Hamill on ready at Pinewood Studios

Lucas hired screenwriter Leigh Brackett to write a screenplay based on his story handling. Brackett finished the offset draft on February 23, 1978, only she died before long afterwards. Co-ordinate to Lucas, he did non like the direction in which her screenplay went. Without a author to set information technology, he was forced to write the second draft himself throughout March.[five] Major plot changes were made compared to the beginning draft and the storyline that is in the film was formed in this typhoon. One of the near notable changes was making Vader Luke'south begetter.[5] When Lawrence Kasdan finished writing the screenplay for Raiders of the Lost Ark he was hired to rewrite and improve Lucas' draft. He wrote a few more than drafts before the script conference was held in November between George Lucas, Lawrence Kasdan, Irvin Kershner and Gary Kurtz. Later on some boosted input, the shooting script was finally formed. Minor changes to dialogues came from Kershner and actors throughout the filming and were mostly approved by Lucas.[5]

Majority of the concept fine art and designs for the picture was done by Ralph McQuarrie, Joe Johnston and Nilo Rodis-Jamero based on Lucas' ideas.[5] The Yoda puppet was designed by British make-up artist Stuart Freeborn. He said he based Yoda's face on his own face and added some of Albert Einstein's facial features to it.[6]

Filming lasted from March 5[vii] until September 24, 1979. Some of the Hoth sequence was filmed in Norway, in the surface area from the railway station Finse to the Hardangerjøkelen glacier. The scenes on Dagobah, Cloud City and within the Hoth Repeat Base were shot at Elstree Studios, England.

During the product, the movie went seriously over-budget and over-schedule. When the picture show budget increased for $10 million the banking concern wanted to pull the loan. To secure the additional money required to consummate the film, Lucas was forced to approach 20th Century Trick to negotiate a bargain. The studio received more profit from the film while in exchange information technology guaranteed the loan. Despite this Lucas managed to retain the sequel and merchandising rights.[vi]

Release [ ]

In the lead-up to the release of The Empire Strikes Back, various cast members made in-character tv appearances to promote the picture; Mark Hamill and Peter Mayhew on Jim'll Prepare It,[8] Anthony Daniels on Sesame Street, and Daniels, Hamill and Mayhew on The Muppet Show.

The world premiere of The Empire Strikes Dorsum was held on May 17, 1980, at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. (equally a special Children's World Premiere effect).[2] The film had a Royal Charity Premiere in London at the Odeon Cinema in Leicester Square on May 20th. The special event was dubbed "Empire Twenty-four hour period," a playful take on the British Commonwealth Day vacation (known every bit Empire Day prior to 1958), where legions of stormtroopers were unleashed across the city.[9] A series of other charity benefit premieres were held in numerous locations on May nineteen and 20. The pic went on to official full general release in Due north America and the U.K. on May 21, 1980. The first wave of release included 127 70 mm prints of the motion-picture show,[two] earlier a wider release in June 1980 (which were by and large 35 mm prints).[ten] A idiot box documentary entitled Star Wars: Music past John Williams was released to coincide with the motion picture. Similarly, in September 1980, CBS aired the official making-of documentary, SPFX: The Empire Strikes Dorsum.

Merchandise [ ]

A novelization of the film was written by Donald F. Glut and was published on April 12, 1980. The film was adapted into comics form by Curiosity Comics as part of their ongoing Star Wars series. Released in six parts (bug 39 to 44), the adaptation was scripted by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Al Williamson. (Years subsequently, a manga accommodation illustrated by Toshiki Kudo was released in Japan in 1998 and in the The states in 1999.) Kenner launched a toyline based on the moving picture. A radio drama adaptation was written by Brian Daley and produced for broadcast on National Public Radio in 1983.

Re-releases [ ]

2010 marked the moving picture's 30th Anniversary

Forth with the other two films of his original trilogy, George Lucas issued a Special Edition of The Empire Strikes Back in 1997, making a number of changes and additions, including replacing a piece of music from the closing scene.

On September 21, 2004 the three original movies were finally released on DVD. There have been a few further small changes to the film on this release—such as sound effects and improvements to the visual quality of the film. One highly noticeable change involving visually quality improvement is that the odd pinkish glow was removed from the Cloud City archway scene, where the Cloud Machine was replaced with a Tibanna refinery in the 1997 theatrical version.

In addition, the scene in which Darth Vader speaks with the Emperor was altered for the DVD release. Originally, Palpatine was portrayed past a woman wearing a mask with a chimpanzee's optics superimposed over her own, with an elder male person's phonation dubbed in later. Clive Revill, who performed Palpatine'southward voice, and Marjorie Eaton, who portrayed Palpatine physically, were both replaced with Ian McDiarmid, who would eventually exist cast for the same role in Return of the Jedi and all iii prequels. Still, Revill's name yet appeared in the movie's credits as the voice actor for Palpatine. McDiarmid re-recorded the dialogue with James Earl Jones and they both added more lines for this scene.

Some other improver was Temuera Morrison providing the voice for Boba Fett, further establishing the fact that Boba is indeed a clone of Jango Fett.

In add-on to multiple abode video re-releases, the film underwent numerous theatrical re-releases.

The trilogy was re-released on separate two-disc Limited Edition DVD sets from September 12, 2006 to December 31, 2006; the original versions of the films were added as bonus material. Controversy surrounded the release because the unaltered versions were from the 1993 non-anamorphic Laserdisc masters, and were not retransferred with modern video standards.[11] The Empire Strikes Back was re-released for a Blu-ray format re-release in September of 2011.[12]

On April 7, 2015, the Walt Disney Studios, 20th Century Fox, and Lucasfilm jointly announced the digital releases of the six released Star Wars films. As Lucasfilm had retained digital distribution rights to Episodes I through VI, Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released The Empire Strikes Dorsum for digital download on April 10, 2015.[13]

Despite the Walt Disney Company'southward 2012 purchase of Lucasfilm Ltd. and the release rights to all future Star Wars films, Fox was to retain original distribution rights to Star Wars: Episode Four A New Promise, which they co-produced and co-financed, in perpetuity in all media worldwide. Flim-flam was also to retain theatrical, nontheatrical, and abode video rights worldwide for the franchise'south five subsequent films, which Lucasfilm produced and financed independently, through May 2020, at which time ownership was to transfer to Disney. This circuitous relationship between Play a trick on and Disney, particularly in regards to Fox's perpetual rights to Episode IV, was to create an obstacle for whatever futurity boxed set comprising all nine films.[14] On December 14, 2017, The Walt Disney Company announced that information technology was acquiring nigh of Pull a fast one on'due south parent company, 21st Century Flim-flam, including the moving picture studio and all distribution rights to A New Hope.[15] On March 20, 2019, the bargain was officially completed.[16] On April 12, 2019, a Blu-ray box set containing the nine master installments of the Star Wars saga remastered in 4K was reportedly announced to be in development for a 2020 release.[17]

The motion picture's 40th Anniversary was historic with official posters past Matt Ferguson

Alongside every other Star Wars saga and anthology films, The Empire Strikes Back was released in 4K HDR10 format on the Disney+ streaming platform. The films were also each given a new poster, with Episode V'southward poster having an overall light blueish color scheme.[18] For The Empire Strikes Back 'due south 40th Anniversary, Lucasfilm hired Matt Ferguson to create new official anniversary posters for the film.[19]

Reception [ ]

The Empire Strikes Back initially received mixed reviews. Many critics had problems with the story, but at the aforementioned time said the picture show was a technical achievement. Critics likewise had diverse reactions to changes introduced in re-releases of this motion-picture show.[source?]

According to the actors, Irvin Kershner would encourage group discussions and improvisations from the actors, and would practise many takes of each scene, in contrast to Lucas, who would always stick to the script, usually do about three takes, and offer footling direction to the actors.[source?]

The film is the highest grossing sequel of all time when adjusted for aggrandizement.[source?]

The moving picture was selected in 2010 to be preserved by the Library of Congress as part of its National Movie Registry.[20]

At theaters in Commonwealth of australia, the United Kingdom, and Scandinavia, the short film Blackness Angel was shown before The Empire Strikes Dorsum 'due south theatrical release. Blackness Angel was the directorial debut of Roger Christian, the fine art director for A New Hope. The motion-picture show was shot in Scotland, Autumn 1979, for £25,000, a gift to Christian from George Lucas for his work on Star Wars.[21] [22]

Deleted scenes [ ]

The Death of Full general Veers [ ]

General Veers is about to destroy the shield generators when Hobbie, a Rebel pilot, flies his damaged snowspeeder toward Veers's walker. One of Veers's men says, "Expect out! He'south going to..." Hobbie crashes his fighter into the cockpit of Veers'due south AT-AT Walker, which is diddled upwards, killing both Hobbie and Veers. (The Expanded Universe shows both of them alive after the Battle of Hoth.) This scene was likely cut because Veers succeeds in destroying the shield generators, and the filmmakers would have constitute information technology difficult to alter the scene so information technology takes place later on Veers destroys them.

Wampa assault [ ]

R2-D2 escapes a wampa

According to the fourth version of the script for The Empire Strikes Back , there is some extra dialogue concerning the wampas and a scene involving R2 getting chased down a hallway past one while the Rebels blast it. 1 of the Rebels calls in the report saying, "We got it, sir, only there may be more," (talking to General Rieekan). Alarms are buzzing and Leia inquires if the creature has been examined however. The general tells her they are working on it and then they are alerted to a "visitor"—the Imperial probot. Since it is revealed to be metal, Leia remarks, "Then information technology couldn't exist 1 of those creatures"—referring to the wampas, of course.

Wampas infiltrate Echo Base [ ]

2-1B attends to the dead tauntaun

In the scene where Han Solo is about to get after Luke Skywalker on a tauntaun, a dead tauntaun is seen on the floor existence examined past 2-1B, the medical droid. On the wall is what appears to be some blood, presumably from the dead animal. In the fourth typhoon of the script, one of the rebels says to his deck officeholder, "...I tin't imagine, sir. Their necks are cleaved." (The script refers to three dead creatures, not one.) The wampas have already broken into the base at this point and take obviously attacked some tauntauns. They suspension in once around the time of Han and Leia'due south statement in the hallway (see the motion picture beneath from the comic adaptation) and over again when C-3PO and R2-D2 are walking towards the hangar and commenting near the temperature in Leia's chamber. Afterward, when Han is wondering where Luke is, he comes across the Rebels examining the dead tauntaun. They are wondering what happened to this animal as they accept no idea even so that wampas have infiltrated the base. Information technology can be noted however, that this scenario is nowadays in the instant action mode of Star Wars: Battlefront Ii.

The Wampa Pen [ ]

The pursuing snowtroopers enter the wampa pen

Out of all the cutting scenes featuring wampas, this one is the virtually well-known, perhaps because this scene has left the about evidence behind. Sometime during the Hoth scenes, it'south discovered that R2-D2's beeping noises attract the wampas—but like in the famous "Pied Piper" fairy tale. R2-D2 leads the wampas into a big room and the Rebels then identify a cerise and yellowish alarm sign on the door then Rebels will not wander inside unaware and go eaten. This scene with R2-D2 was allegedly filmed, but never fabricated it into the final cut. Afterward on, while on their fashion to the medical centre to see Luke, R2-D2 and C-3PO pass by the wampa pen and discuss the creatures briefly.

Jumping alee to the Rebel heroes' exodus from Echo Base during the Battle of Hoth, Han, Leia, and C-3PO are scurrying to get Leia to her transport. On the mode out, they pass a door with a familiar yellow sign with red lettering. Han gives the door a quick look and almost stops but continues on past information technology after recognizing the warning (the quick shot is in the finished flick; information technology appears straight later General Veers destroys the power generators). What was not included in the film was C-3PO (who is running behind Han and Leia, trying to keep up) trudging up to the door after them. He stops and tears off the yellow warning sign (C-3PO is seen tearing off the sign on the "bonus features" DVD of the Trilogy box DVD ready and in the trailer for Episode 5). He and then proceeds to catch upward with Han and Leia equally they brand their way to the Millennium Falcon.

After the snowtroopers burst into the base, they encounter the door, left with only a small piece of the original warning sign. They open up the door, but to be attacked by the already annoyed wampas within.

Luke: Gunner [ ]

Luke Skywalker mans a heavy artillery weapon against the attacking wampas.

There have always been rumors and images that state there was originally a scene from Empire inside Echo Base where Luke mans a gun and blasts a few wampas. The only thing that really makes most fans believe this scene was actually shot is the following quote from Jon Knoles in the Star Wars Insider 33 (page 59) talking about the game, Shadows of the Empire for Nintendo 64: "We knew, for instance, of the scene where a wampa really bankrupt through into Echo Base and mauled a tauntaun (and maybe some Rebel troops) and a scene where Luke actually took over an machine-laser cannon and blasts a wampa or 2. The wampa filmed in this shot looked admittedly hilarious with a big fluffy confront and metallic round eyeballs. We saw the moving-picture show in a Kodak shoebox Photo CD that Lucasfilm Ltd. provided us with some time agone."[source?]

Later, Pablo Hidalgo stated that the images of Luke manning a turret were not deleted scenes. According to him, they were simply on prepare photos taken with the "Insubordinate cannon sled" prop.[23] Legends sources named this vehicle the LC-10bW,[24] while canon has dubbed it the laser-water ice cutter.[25]

Release gallery [ ]

Credits [ ]

Appearances [ ]

Sources [ ]

Notes and references [ ]

  1. ane.00 one.01 i.02 1.03 one.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 one.08 i.09 one.10 1.11 i.12 1.13 1.14 Star Wars Year By Twelvemonth: A Visual History, Updated and Expanded Edition
  2. two.0 2.1 2.ii SWYTlogo.png The Empire Strikes Back Turns 40, Queen's Peril Gets a Vox, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  3. SWYTlogo.png Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Comes Home, the Kid Lands at New York Toy Fair, and More than! | This Calendar week! In Star Wars on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  4. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  5. 5.0 5.ane five.ii five.3 The Making of The Empire Strikes Back
  6. 6.0 6.1 Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy
  7. SWYTlogo.png Our Galactic Starcruiser Voyage, New Comic Previews, and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  8. YouTube.png Lucky child Visits the set of The Empire Strikes Back Dagobah ready. Meets Mark Hamill on the Filmumentaries com YouTube aqueduct (fill-in link)
  9. An 'Empire Day' to Retrieve on (backup link)
  10. Coate, Michael: The Empire Turns 25: A 25th Anniversary Tribute To 'The Empire Strikes Back' (2005-03-25). Archived from the original on July 20, 2020.
  11. Ian Dawe: Anamorphic Star Wars and Other Musings. Mindjack Film. Archived from the original on July 20, 2020.
  12. Bring the Complete Collection Dwelling house: Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-Ray on (content now obsolete; backup link)
  13. The Star Wars Digital Movie Drove Coming Apr 10 on (fill-in link)
  14. Masters, Kim: Tangled Rights Could Tie Up Ultimate 'Star Wars' Box Set (Analysis) (2012-10-thirty). The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on February 15, 2020.
  15. The Walt Disney Visitor To Larn Twenty-First Century Pull a fast one on, Inc., After Spinoff Of Sure Businesses, For $52.4 Billion In Stock (2017-12-xiv). The Walt Disney Company. Archived from the original on June 17, 2020.
  16. Georg Szalai, Paul Bond: Disney Closes $71.3 Billion Play tricks Deal, Creating Global Content Powerhouse (2019-03-19). The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on June eleven, 2020.
  17. Sectional: Disney are working on a 4K Blu-ray box set for Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (updated) (2019-04-12). The Digital Fix: Pic. Archived from the original on May six, 2019.
  18. G., Matt: Disney+ in NZ – Your Questions Answered (2019-11-16). Star Wars New Zealand. Archived from the original.
  19. Empire at 40 | Matt Ferguson Discusses the Making of His Incredible Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Dorsum Poster on (fill-in link)
  20. Barnes, Mike: 'Empire Strikes Dorsum,' 'Airplane!' Among 25 Movies Named to National Film Registry (2010-12-28). The Hollywood Reporter. Archived from the original on July 13, 2020.
  21. Anderson, Martin: Exclusive interview: The worlds of Roger Christian (2010-03-09). Shadowlocked. Archived from the original on March 6, 2016.
  22. Matisse, Nathan: Once-lost Star Wars-related short to screen for the first fourth dimension in 33 years (2013-09-10). Ars Technica. Archived from the original on July 15, 2020.
  23. TwitterLogo.svg Pablo Hidalgo (@pabl0hidalgo) on Twitter: "Y'all may occasionally find photos of Luke in his snowspeeder pilot manning the guns online labeled every bit a 'deleted scene'. It's not. It's more like a photograph opportunity, equally this prop / vehicle was on fix that 24-hour interval" (backup link)
  24. Star Wars Blueprints: Rebel Edition
  25. Star Wars: Consummate Locations

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